Brian Baetz
Helping and supporting young people to reach their fullest potential...
My vision
Brian Baetz is an award-winning professor, an inspired community activist, and the father of two creative young adults. After 30 years of university teaching and administration, actively mentoring students and creating a global network of socially conscious professors, he is now turning his focus to helping young people reach their fullest potential to lead happy, fulfilled and productive lives.

My Offerings to Motivate Young People
We All Know a Young Person Who Has Great Potential…
Maybe it’s your own son or daughter, or a nephew or niece, or a neighbour’s kid, or the child of someone at work. You can see that they’ve got a lot to offer, but they are living in the basement and drifting along. They might be:
-an 18-20 year old who can’t seem to find their way out of high school;
-a 20-30 year old who started a diploma or a degree program and found that it didn’t inspire them, so they dropped out and are now under-employed;
-a 20-30 year old who actually finished a college diploma or a university degree, moved back in with their folks, is unemployed or under-employed, and is unsure of their next steps;
-an 18-30+ year old who has worked for a bit and feels their job doesn’t quite fill the bill, may be stuck living at home, and is feeling desperate that they haven’t figured out life by now.
If any of these situations sound familiar, it’s because we are facing a huge wave of young people who have somewhat lost their way. The individual circumstances vary, but the common attributes are frustrated, potentially depressed and anxious and/or angry young adults. These young folks may spend their time in a way that leads to addictions, which further reduces the probability of getting their lives in order. And these young people are the sons and daughters of frustrated and worried parents, who want their adult child to be self-sufficient and capable of living independently in today’s complex world.
These young individuals who are adrift need help to find their purpose, their passion in life, their inherent happiness and their innate leadership potential. The answers to all of these important issues lie within these young people, and they need nurturing to unlock these answers and individually create a way of living that allows them to reach their fullest and highest potential.
And for those young people in our midst who already have their act together, deep skills development can lead to even greater things. As future leaders in our communities, the development and refinement of your inner strengths can help you better navigate the challenges inherent to our fast-paced lives, and allow you to more fully enjoy the benefits of a balanced and meaningful career.
Infinite Potential Plus Classes
For ten years I ran a student club at McMaster University called Infinite Potential, where participants would come together for some warmup exercises and then we would sit as a group and meditate. My desire is to now take this to young people in the community (McMaster students are certainly welcome!), and explore how to unveil your inner resources to create a balanced and meaningful life. Meditation will be the cornerstone of this initiative, but we will also explore and practice other modalities that will have a positive synergy with a regular meditation practice. Click and find out the details of where and when for the most current offering of Infinite Potential Plus.
Contemplative Practice Presentations and Workshops
From time to time I will run Contemplative Practice Presentations and Workshops to explore topics in greater detail than time allows for in the Infinite Potential Plus offerings. Click and find out the details of where and when for the next presentation or workshop.
YouTube ChanneL
Please watch the following short YouTubes, anywhere and anytime, to get a sense of how you can improve your life, and the modalities and practices to achieve this. They are organized within three playlists, and will hopefully allow you to achieve considerable development of your deep skills as you practice them regularly.
Contemplative Writing Pieces
Please read the following pdf files, anywhere and anytime, to get a sense of how you can improve your life, and the modalities and practices to achieve the unfolding of your innate leadership presence.